Ward Mill Brick & Tile Works, Arbroath.
Many thanks to John Robertson for much of the information on this page.
1841 – Peter Anderson – Brick Layer ?, Wardmill Hill, Arbroath.
1847 – Peter Anderson – Brickmaker Wardmill Hill, Arbroath.
1857 – 1861 – ScotlandsPlaces – Ward Mill Hill Brick and Tile Works are situated on the east side of Brothock Water. These Works which are situated a short distance North of Ward Mill occupy the space once occupied by Ward Mill Hill, they are the property of William Fullerton Lindsay Carnagie Esq.
1857 – 1861 – ScotlandsPlaces – Ward Mill Hill. A very small portion of this hill now remains the greater part of it having been driven away for ballast. The Ward Mill Brickworks now occupy its place, and it is likely the small portion which remains will soon be removed.
Below – 1859 – Ward Mill Brick and Tile Works, Arbroath.

Below – 1859 – Ward Mill Brick and Tile Works, Arbroath.

Below – 1859 – Town Plan map – Wardmill Brick and Tile Works, Arbroath.

Below – 1861 – Census.
Name: |
George Guild |
Age: |
45 |
Estimated birth year: |
abt 1816 |
Relationship: |
Head |
Spouse’s name : |
Ann Guild |
Gender: |
Male |
Where born: |
St Vigeans, Forfarshire |
Registration Number: |
272 |
Registration district: |
Arbroath |
Civil Parish: |
St Vigeans |
Town: |
Arbroath |
County: |
Angus |
Address: |
Ward Mill Hill |
Occupation: |
Brick Maker Employing 3 Men, 3 Boys & 2 Girls |
ED: |
26 |
Household schedule number: |
78 |
11 |
Roll: |
CSSCT1861_36 |
Household Members: |
22/12/1865 – Dundee Advertiser – Arbroath – Displenshing sale at Wardmill Brickworks – The whole the working plant and stock-in-trade left on the above premises were sold by public roup. There was a large assemblage of buyers, and good prices were realised. Common bricks ranged from, 32s to 42s per 1000; drain pipes 23s per 1000; leader do., 30s to 45s per 1000; roof tiles, 3s to 3s 6d per 100. Two kilns were sold at £11 and £11 10s respectively. A dwelling house brought £13. Mr Herald conducted the sale.
1867 – Donald Falconer & Co – Brick and Tile Makers, Ward Mill Hill Brick and Tile Works, Arbroath.
24/04/1869 – Arbroath Guide – To builders and contractors and others. Bricks may now be had at Messrs McMillan and Son’s Brickworks, Guthrie Port, Arbroath. ( Note SBH – I believe this will refer to the Ward Mill Brickworks).
15/10/1894 – Dundee Courier – Death of an old residenter. General regret will be felt in Arbroath and district at the announcement of the death of Mr David Harris late senior partner of Anniston Brick and Tile Work, and butcher in Arbroath. Deceased, who had reached the age of 76, had been connected with the butcher trade tor some 33 years. He was, however, a brick and tile maker to trade and was a partner and the last tenant of the Wardmill Brickworks. No one was better known in Arbroath or more widely respected. He was liked by all for his genial good nature and his ready wit, and many a one will miss him for the kindly deed done in secret. The deceased leaves three sons. James, captain of the Anchor Liner, the Furnessia; William, a Board of Trade surveyor in Hull and George who carries on the butcher business in Arbroath. It is somewhat of a coincidence that the deceased will be buried on the same day as that on which his wife died exactly eleven years ago.
Below – 19/10/1894 – Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin Review -David Harris, butcher dies aged 75 … He was in his younger days a member of the firm of Messrs Duncan, Falconer & Co brick and tile makers. At one point he owned the brick and tile works in Arrot Street (Arrott? Arbroath) and had also been the principal partner of the firm carrying on the extensive brick and tile works at Anniston …

Below – 1901 – Wardmill Works, Arbroath. (Note – SBH – The maps below may relate to a different ‘works’ as the 1894 article above concerning the death of Mr Harris infers he was the last tenant of the brick and tile works.

Below – 1921 – Wardmill Works, Arbroath.

Below – 1938 – Wardmill Works, Arbroath.