(Note – SBH – I have included references to Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks and Auchinlee Quarries and Brickworks as they may be the same company. I will split them up if I find this is not the case).
29/08/1873 – The London Gazette – Notice of dissolution – The firm of Michael Yates and Company, Coal and Quarry masters and Brickmakers, at Auchinlee, in the parish of Shotts, in Glasgow, and at Kelvinside, was of mutual consent of the subscribers, the sole partners thereof, dissolved, as on the 31st day of July 1873. The Subscribers, Thomas Gibb, John Sibbald McIntyre and John Ancell have acquired right to the whole business and assets of the Company (except the Quarry at Kelvinside and debts due to the firm in connection with it) and will continue the business of Quarry masters, Brickmakers, and Coalmasters, at Auchinlee, and at 184, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, under the firm of Gibb, McIntyre, and Ancell. The subscriber, Michael Yates, has acquired right to the Kelvinside Quarry, and to the debts due to the firm in connection with it, and he will continue that business at Kelvinside and 188, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, in his own name.
The firm of Gibb, McIntyre and Ancell will pay the whole debts due by the late firm up to 31st July last. Glasgow, 23rd August 1873.
Michael Yates.
Thos. Gibb.
Jno. S. McIntyre
John Ancell.
1878 – Gibb McIntyre & Ancell, brick makers, Auchinlea by Motherwell.
1882 – Gibb McIntyre & Ancell, coal and quarry masters and brick makers. 161 Hope Street.
09/12/1882 – Shipping and Mercantile Gazette – Partnerships dissolved … Gibb McIntyre & Ancell, coal brick and quarry masters, Auchinlee, Cleland near Motherwell and 161 Hope Street, Glasgow by the retiral of Thos Gibb.
1886 – Thomas Gibb & Sons, Auchinlee Quarries and Brickworks, Cleland, by Motherwell.
1886 – Ancell McIntyre & Co, brickmakers and quarry owners. Office – 161 Hope Street, Glasgow.
17/04/1886 – Northern Scot – Quarrymen’s wages in the West of Scotland. A week or two ago the quarrymen in the West of Scotland were reduced by 1/2d per hour and intimation was given to those employed at the extensive works on Bellside and Auchinlee Farms carried on by Messrs Gibb, McIntyre, & Ancell, Thomas Gibb & Son and Thomas King & Co., that at these works their wages would also be reduced. The men objected, and the result is that no work has been done during the week. As the quarrymasters in the district are at present very busy, it is scarcely possible to say in whose favour the dispute will end. (Note – SBH – I have included this article but I am not certain it also refers to the company brickworks).
13/11/1886 – Hamilton Advertiser – Wanted, brick moulder and millman at Gibb’s Auchinlee Brickworks. None but steady men need apply.
01/09/1888 – The Scotsman – Thomas Gibb & Sons of Auchinlee Quarries, Cleland have acquired the lease of Doddington Quarries near Wooler from Lord Tankerville of Chillingham Castle, Northumberland.
1890 – 1891 – John B Taylor, quarry master and brickmaker.
Taylor & King, quarry masters and brickmakers, Auchinlea, Cleland.
03/06/1892 – The Berwick Advertiser – Deaths. At Violet Bank, Aunchinlee, Cleland on 27th ult, after a short but severe illness, Thomas Gibb, quarry master aged 64 years. Deeply regretted.
1893 – 1894 – John R Taylor, quarry master and brickmaker, Auchinlea, Cleland.
Taylor & King, quarry masters and brickmakers, Auchinlea, Cleland.
Below – 1896 – 1 Bellside Brickworks, 2 Auchinlea Brickworks, 3 North Auchinlea Quarry and Brickworks, 4 Auchinlee Tileworks, 5 Greenhill Quarry Brickworks, 6 Greenhill Colliery Brickworks.

22/01/1897 – Motherwell Times – Death Alexander King at Windmill House on the 18th inst, Alexander King, aged 49, late of Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks, Cleland.
21/05/1897 – Motherwell Times – Major Scott of Motherwell takes over the Auchinlea Estates. A few weeks ago it was publicly announced that the lands of Auchinlea and North Shaws, belonging to Colonel Buchanan, Drumpellier, had been purchased by Major Scott, Motherwell. The lands are rich in mineral, containing the famed Auchinlea freestone, partly leased by Messrs Taylor & King, and Messrs T. Gibb & Sons. Coal is also being worked Messrs Greenhill Colliery Company, Limited. The purchase by Major Scott has given the most lively satisfaction. He is the sole partner of the firm of Thomas King & Co., Bellside Quarries and Brickworks and Greenhill Quarries, and the largest employer of labour in the district. Respected by the general public, and almost worshipped by his employees, the event of his formally taking possession of the estate on 15th May was made the occasion of extraordinary rejoicings by his friends, the tenants, and particularly his workmen. From the pits and quarries on the estate flags waved from every point. The principal decorations, however, were the result of the spontaneous and combined efforts his employees at his own quarries and brickworks, and these were of the most elaborate description. From every door and window in the Bellside Buildings evergreens and bannerettes were hung; large poles bearing Union Jacks were set in all prominent places around the works; the cranes, workshops, and kilns were draped with evergreens and coloured cloth; the trees between the two works (a distance of one mile) were for the time made use of as standard bearers, and from their tops large flags waved; tall poles on blaize heaps bearing Union Jacks showed them to advantage for miles around. These, with triumphal arches of evergreens erected at various places welcoming the new laird, completed the most effective, picturesque, and extensive decorations ever witnessed in the district, and were viewed by large numbers of sightseers from distances. To celebrate the event, Major Scott had on Saturday arranged to give his workers a free trip. Between four and five hundred availed themselves of his generosity, and leaving Omoa per special train, they picked up Major Scott and a few friends at Holytown, and were soon in Gourock, where the Ivanhoe was waiting, being specially chartered to convey the excursionists round the Isle of Bute, and land them at Rothesay. Calling at Craigmore where Mrs Scott and family were taken on board and greeted with hearty cheers, the fast steamer made its way all too quickly in the most delightful of weather and the smoothest of water through the Kyles, past the “Maids,” and round the Island, arriving in Rothesay shortly after twelve o’clock. From this till 6.30, when the return journey was begun, the holiday seekers were at liberty to enjoy themselves as best they may, and from the reports all seem to have fully enjoyed themselves, the utmost good humour prevailing throughout the whole party. At Gourock, on the return journey, they gathered round the saloon carriage, and gave the gallant Major three roof-lifting cheers, singing “For he’s a jolly good fellow.’ Arrival at Omoa about 9 brought to end one of the most pleasant days that could be desired, inaugurating ” the taking possession of ” by the most popular laird in the district, and evidently the advent of warm weather. The excursion was accompanied by the time-famed Cleland Brass Band, which did much by their lively rendering of selections and dance music (which was fully taken advantage of by the dancers on board) to enliven the time. Since its last public appearance, this band has increased numerically, and improved much in playing, the selections rendered on Rothesay Pier showing that there is still the old competing stuff in them yet.
1899 – 1900 – Thomas Gibb & Sons, quarrymasters and brickmakers 45 Renfield Street, Glasgow.
Below – 21/04/1899 – Barrhead News – Council meeting regarding bricks being used in the Cross Arthurlie Buildings. Thomas Gibb and Sons.

24/06/1899 – Dundee Courier – Thomas Gibb & Sons, quarry masters and brickmakers, Auchenlee, Bishopbriggs. Capital £50,000 in 7000 preference and 5000 ordinary shares of £5 each. First subscribers – Richard Gibb, quarry and brickmaker; Walter Gibb, Quarry and brickmaker; George Neilson, Clerk, Bishopbriggs, C. M Gibb, quarry master, Cleland; John Jack, quarry master; Mrs Agnes Gibb, Bishopbriggs; A. O Walker, Writer; James Mason, Cashier, Glasgow.
Below – 30/06/1899 – Financials of Thomas Gibb and Sons Limited. The company has been incorporated with an authorised share capital of £60,000. It has been formed to acquire as from 01/01/1899 and to further develop and extend the business of Thomas Gibb and Sons, quarry masters and brick makers at Auchinlee, Cleland and Huntershill and Crowhill, Bishopbriggs together with plant, machinery and leases now belonging to them.

Below – 05/07/1899 – The Scotsman – Thomas Gibb and Sons Limited. Richard and Walter Gibb, quarrymasters and brickmakers, Huntershill and Cumming Nasmith Gibb, quarry master and brickmaker, Auchinlee … The company has been formed to acquire as from 1st January 1899 and to further develop and extend the business of Thomas Gibb and Sons, quarry masters and brickmakers at Auchinlee, Cleland and Huntershill and Crowhill, Bishopbriggs (Note – SBH – This seems to clearly indicate that Huntershill and Crowhill were separate brickworks although it may infer that the brickworks were at Huntershill and the quarry at Crowhill as bit locations are adjacent to each other) …


11/04/1900 – Edinburgh Evening News – Railway trader’s grievance. Alleged ‘thirling’ of waggons. In the Court Session today, Lord Darling, sitting as a Railway and Canal commissioner, had before him an application by Messrs Taylor & King and Messrs Thomas Gibb & Sons Limited, quarrymasters, Lanarkshire, and Messrs Thomas King & Co., quarrymasters, Bellside and Greenhill Quarries, by Motherwell, for an order upon the Caledonian Railway Company, enjoining them to give due and reasonable facilities for the transport of material from the applicants’ quarries and to desist from giving undue preference and vantage in respect of waggon or locomotive supply to particular traders, or to particular districts. The appellants allege that many traders have been accorded by the respondents the privilege of having waggons reserved or “thirled” for their use and that as a result of the detention of waggons thus caused the applicants’ trade has been seriously hampered. The respondents deny that they are not providing reasonable facilities for the forwarding of the applicants’ traffic within the meaning of the Railway and Canal Act, 1854 and that any undue preferences have been accorded to other traders, to the prejudice of the applicants. Today, on the motion of Mr McClure for the applicants, his lordship granted a specification for the recovery from the respondents of certain documents bearing on the case.
1901 – Directory of Clayworkers – Taylor & King, quarrymasters and brickmakers, Auchinlea, Cleland. Hand and machine-made.
1901 – Directory of Clayworkers – Thomas Gibb and Son, Auchinlee, Bellside, Motherwell, Lanarkshire.
1902 – 1903 – Taylor & King, quarrymasters and brickmakers, Auchinlea, Cleland.
1903 – Thomas Gibb & Sons, Auchinlea Brickworks, Cleland S.O. Lanarkshire.
1903 – 1904 – John R Taylor, quarry master and brickmaker, Auchinlea, Cleland.
Taylor & King, quarry masters and brickmakers, Auchinlea, Cleland.
Below – 19/02/1904 – Dundee Courier – Financials for Thomas Gibb & Sons, Bishopbriggs and Auchinlee Quarries and Brickworks.

03/06/1904 – Motherwell Times – Strike of Quarrymen. Workmen employed in the quarries at Bellside and Auchinlea, Cleland, have struck work. Some four months ago their wages were reduced 1d per hour and since then the men have been getting only four days’ work in the week. The cause of the dispute is a demand on the part of the quarrymen to get returned the penny recently taken off them. Three firms are affected by the strike, viz:- Messrs Thomas King and Scott, Messrs Taylor & King and Messrs Gibb & Sons, and some 200 men have been thrown idle. On Tuesday night Messrs Taylor & King closed their gates to all classes of employees.
1906 – Invoices x 2 – Thomas Gibb and Sons Limited, Auchinle Quarry and Brickworks, Cleland and Huntershill Quarry and Brickworks, Bishopbriggs. Head Office, Huntershill Quarry and Brickworks, Bishopbriggs. Telegrams ‘Bricks Bishopbriggs’
1906 – 1907 – John R Taylor, quarry master and brickmaker, Auchinlea, Cleland.
Taylor & King, quarry masters and brickmakers, Auchinlea, Cleland.
Below – 20/07/1906 – Motherwell Times – Girls claims compensation against Thomas Gibb & Sons but fails at court.


Below – 02/05/1910 – The Scotsman – Messrs Thos King & Co, Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks for sale.

15/05/1915 – Hamilton Advertiser – Old brick suitable for partitions or roughcast work at 3s 6d per ton; also broken bricks for bottoming or concrete at 1s 6d per ton. Gibbs Auchinlea Brickworks, Cleland.
Below – 07/06/1915 – The Scotsman – Messrs Thomas Gibb & Co, Auchinlee Quarry and Brickworks near to Omoa Station for sale.

12/06/1915 – Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser – For sale – At Auchinlee Quarry and Brickworks, Omoa Station, C.R Quarry and Brickwork plant machinery, railway sidings etc.
28/09/1915 – The Edinburgh Gazette – In the matter of Thomas Gibb and Sons Limited, an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the above-named Company, duly convened, and held at 200 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, on the 31st day of August 1915, the following Resolutions were duly passed; and at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, also duly convened, and held at the same place on the 16th day of September 1915, such Resolutions were duly confirmed as Special Resolutions, viz. :— (1) That the Company be wound up voluntarily. (2) That J. L. Doran, Chartered Accountant, Glasgow, be appointed Liquidator. Cumming N Gibb, Chairman. Auchinlee Quarries, Cleland. 21/09/1915
08/03/1919 – The Scotsman – Quarries and brickworks – The well known Auchinlea Quarries with overlying blue clay for brickmaking will be let in one or 2 portions. Electric power on the Estate. also workmen’s home with accommodation for 120 men. Offers to Colonel Scott, Auchinlea, Cleland.
Below – 10/01/1921 – The Scotsman – Bricks and stones – 200,000 best quality bricks daily can easily be produced from blue boulder clay up to 50ft in-depth and building stone practically inexhaustible, also large blaze bings. To sell or let – Auchinlea Estate with 2 quarries, 1 working, a quantity of brick making machinery, railways into both quarries; also electric power, workmen’s home to accommodate 120 men and 20 workmen’s houses on the ground. The coal is leased to the Auchinlea Coal Co Ltd and it is believed there are 2 seams at a lower level untouched. Apply Colonel Scott, Auchinlea Estate, Cleland.

18/03/1921 – West Lothian Courier – R Muirs and Coy’s new brickworks manager. On Friday last Mr Daniel Watson, who succeeds Mr Gillespie as brickworks manager with Messrs R Muir and Coy, Armadale commenced his studies. Mr Watson is a native of Cleland and figuratively speaking, may be said to have been born into the business. His father was in the same line and it is very interesting to note, was the first manager of the Etna Brickworks, then owned by Mr James Wood of Wallhouse and which are now owned by United Collieries Ltd. His uncle too is in the same business and he, it is also noteworthy to state, was for a period, manager at Mr King’s Possil Brickwork, Glasgow. Mr Watson entered the brickworks at the early age of 12 years and while yet in his teens was appointed manager of Cambuslang Brickworks. From here he went as a manager to the Linwood Brick Manufacturing Company, Paisley and it is from Paisley that he comes to take over his Armadale managership. Just a little over 40, he looks the ideal manager, and his, very obviously, a great liking for and interest in the work which he has followed now for fully 30 years.
15/03/1929 – Motherwell Times – A Newarthill native’s death. There was laid to rest in Shotts Cemetery on Thursday last week the remains of Mr Richard Gibb, late manager Hallcraig Brickworks, and who, we have reason to believe, was Scotland’s oldest bricklayer. Mr Gibb who was in his 80th year, was a native of Newharthill, Parish of Shotts. As a boy, he. commenced work in Auchinlea Brickworks, Cleland, and saw the process of brickmaking develop from the handmade brick to the elaborate machinery of today. From Auchinlea, Mr Gibb went to Paisley and later he was at Bargeddie. In 1891 he came to be the manager at Hallcraig Brickworks, a position he held until about three years ago. Two years ago he came to reside in Carnwath Road, where he died on Monday. Mr Gibb was a man of fine physical stature and possessed outstanding intellectual abilities. Broad in his outlook he was a keen student of social affairs, took a deep interest in the Co-operative movement and had good knowledge of Company Law. He was much liked for his genial manner. Mr Gibb was predeceased by his wife about thirteen years ago and is survived by a family of two sons and four daughters. Deep sympathy is extended to the bereaved family.
21/07/1934 – Dundee Courier – New Scottish Companies – Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks, Auchinlea Quarries, Cleland, Lanarkshire. Capital £15,000 in ordinary shares of £1 each.
27/10/1936 – Edinburgh Gazette – The Companies Act 1929 – The following company has been struck of the register and as such is now dissolved – Thomas Gibb and Sons Ltd.
29/03/1940 – Motherwell Times – Death of a mine manager. Mr George Cook (63) Auchinlea Cottages … for a number of years he was engaged as mines manager at the Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited which operated in the district of Bellside.
08/11/1941 – The Scotsman – New companies … Hugh Leggat Estates Ltd, Arthurlie Park, Barrhead. Private company to carry on the business of ownership, occupancy, factorship, management, improvement, exploitation and development of landed estates &c. Capital £20,000 in £1 shares. Directors – Hugh Leggat, contractor, director of Hugh Leggat Ltd; Mrs Mary H D Leggat and Alexander C Leggat, director of Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Ltd – all of Arthurlie Park, Barrhead …
1947 – 1969 – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’ states the National Coal Board were owners. Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
21/09/1948 – The Scotsman – Death – Mr Hugh Leggat … previous managing director of Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
26/08/1949 – Wishaw Press – Mason hewers wanted, good terms and conditions. Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
23/12/1949 – The Scotsman – Haulage firms licence revoked – Falkirk haulage firm McInnes & Whitfield, Lochside Garage Redding. Licence revoked for not adhering to licence conditions in respect of using lorries for the transport of building bricks from the Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks, Newmains to Inverness and Fort William.
05/10/1951 – Motherwell Times – Clerkess/shorthand typists required. Apply in writing, stating age and full details of experience to Auchinlea Quarries & Brickworks Ltd, Cleland.
15/10/1952 – The British Clay Worker magazine – Clay Workers Forum … We are desirous of making a sand faced brick, preferably re-press wire cuts. Can you put us in touch with makers of this kind of brick who might be willing to let us see their plants. A. Q. & B Ltd, Lanarkshire. (Names and addresses supplied).
27/02/1953 – Motherwell Times – Boys wanted to serve their apprenticeship as mason hewers. Good wages and conditions. Apply Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
20/03/1953 – Motherwell Times – Strong lad (15 – 16 years) wanted immediately as the second man on a lorry. Apply to Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
1954 – Records of Shirlaw Allan, Industrial auctioneers, Hamilton, Scotland. For sale – Mining and electrical plant machinery etc at Parkhead No 1 mine and Auchinlea Brickworks, Cleland, Lanarkshire.
22/01/1954 – Motherwell Times – Clerkess shorthand typist required. Apply, stating age and giving full details of experience to Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
21/05/1954 – Motherwell Times – Bellside cottage, containing five apartments, kitchenette, bathroom. Recently decorated. Assessed rental £33. Feu duty £3 4s 0d unallocated. Apply Auchinlea Quarries & Brickworks Ltd., Cleland.
03/09/1954 – Motherwell Times – Working foreman mechanic for maintenance of a fleet of commercial vehicles and dumpers. Apply giving age and full particulars of experience to Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland, Motherwell.
28/10/1955 – Motherwell Times – Maintenance fitter, experienced in repairs and maintenance of excavators, derrick cranes and brick plant. Apply Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
11/05/1956 – Motherwell Times – Office girl wanted. Apply – Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
20/06/1958 – Wishaw Press – Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland received permission to build a dwelling house with a garage and a store in Laburnum Crescent, Wishaw. The cost here is £3,000.
28/10/1958 – Motherwell Times – Maintenance fitter, experienced in repairs and maintenance of excavators, derrick cranes and brick plant. Apply – Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
21/03/1958 – Motherwell Times – Maintenance engineer, experienced in the upkeep of heavy plant as used in the quarrying and brickmaking industry; good terms and conditions. Apply Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks, Ltd., Cleland, Motherwell.
09/01/1959 – Motherwell Times – Clerkess wanted. Apply stating age and experience to Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Ltd, Cleland.
18/09/1959 – Wishaw Press – Plans passed … a five apartment house with garage and fuel store to be erected in Magnolia Street, Wishaw, by Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Ltd., Cleland. Cost is quoted as £4,000 …
1961 – 1962 – A directory of British clay products and manufacturers – Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Ltd, Cleland, Motherwell, Lanarkshire. Tel Cleland 313. Works – Auchinlea, Cleland, Motherwell – red facing and composition bricks and Aldersyde, Cleland, Motherwell – Composition bricks.
19/01/1962 – Wishaw Press – Explosives stolen. Quantities of gelignite and detonators were stolen from Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks on Monday night when thieves broke into the work’s explosive store. The theft was discovered on Tuesday morning when workmen returned to work.
17/07/1964 – Wishaw Press – Junior clerkess /typist required. Apply Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Ltd, Cleland.
23/06/1967 – Wishaw Press – Clerkess/typist required for transport Department. Apply stating age and giving details of experience to Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Ltd, Cleland also drivers wanted for heavy and articulated lorries.
Below – 24/05/1968 – Wishaw Press. Advert for drivers required at Auchinlea, Cleland Brickworks.

14/06/1968 – Wishaw Press – Wanted. Senior clerk responsible for sales quotations and despatch for Brickworks manufacturing one hundred thousand bricks per day. The position is one of responsibility and a good salary with various fringe benefits will be paid Apply stating age, and giving full particulars of experience: Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland, Motherwell.
Below – 02/08/1968 – Wishaw press – Advert for brick setters, dumper drivers and general brickwork labourers.

1969 – 1977 – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’ states the Scottish Brick Corporation were owners.
23/05/1969 – Wishaw Press – Auchinlea have a vacancy for a garage fitter. Diesel and general fitting experience. Good rate and overtime. Permanent post. Good working conditions. Apply in person to the Works Manager, Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks Limited, Cleland.
Below – 04/07/1969 – Wishaw Press – Advert for a new maintenance manager.

15/06/1973 – Wishaw Press – Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks, Cleland, have been taken over by Britains largest maker of facing bricks. The new owners are Butterley Building Materials of Ripley, Derbyshire who operate 15 sites in various parts of England. The deal follows the decision of the owner Mr A.C. Leggat to retire. A statement issued by Mr Leggat has assured the 140 workers at Auchinlea and Aldersyde of continuity of employment with the new owners who intend to operate the firm as Auchinlea Brick Company. Falkirk born Mr J. T. S Corbett, chairman and managing director of Butterley, hopes for further expansion in the Scottish market where they already “export” from Midlands sources from 10 million to 15 million bricks a year. Butterley Building Materials are part of the London based Hanson Trust whose interests range widely from farm services, colour printing and property development as well as brick making. Mr Leggat became manager of the firm when his father took it over in 1931. He succeeded his father as the owner on the latters death in 1948. A function attended by Auchinlea employees was held in the Cleland Miners Welfare on Monday night to mark Mr Leggat’s retiral. Miss Isobel Penrice, Mr Leggat’s secretary presented him with a silver salver from the employees. Mr Leggat suitably replied and thanked everyone for their co-operation over the years. A bouquet was presented to Mrs Leggat by Miss M. Penn. Tributes were paid to Mr Leggat by the County Councillor, Mrs Mary Rodger and John Reilly, head electrician. The chairman was Mr Richard A. Standring, general manager. Music was supplied by The Puppets.
07/11/1975 – Wishaw Press –
Below – 02/04/1976 – Wishaw Press – Advert for stone fireplaces Ian T Paterson, Auchinlea Quarry, Carlisle Road, Cleland … located within the Auchinlea Brickworks …

25/02/1977 – Wishaw Press – Brickworks to close. Auchinlea Brick Company’s works at Aldersyde,. Cleland will close within the next two months. Already more than 50 workers have been paid off. Four are remaining until the company’s stock of one million bricks is sold. The closure is a result of heavy losses by the company for three years despite capital investment. At its peak, Auchinlea, which is part of Butterley Building Materials Ltd., of Derbyshire, produced 250,000 bricks a week.
Below – An undated photograph of a lorry with an AQB logo which is believed to stand for Auchinlea Quarries and Brickworks. The lorry is also marked Auchinlea and Cleland.