Lassodie Brick and Clay Works, Lassodie, Fife aka possibly the Fife Fireclay Works and later the Lassodie Brickworks, Braehead, Fife aka Kelty Brickworks.
(Note – SBH – As you can see I have very little information on the Lassodie Brickworks. If anyone can add ANY information to this post then please get in touch. Bonus points will be awarded to anyone that comes up with a relevant brickmark! Can anyone come up with a map with either works detailed? Does anyone know the start and end dates for the earlier brickwork?).
Thomas Carrie states – There were 2 Lassodie Brickworks. The old one was down the bottom of the hill, to the West of the village where it bends, to the West of the corner. Lassodie village was further down again, off the old Kelty to Kingseat road The newer one was still being built in the early 60s, and was just off the Kelty to Steelend road, a bit further in the estate than Lassodie House. The Brickworks cottages were opposite the brickworks. My uncle and aunty lived there for a few years.
30/01/1862 – Dunfermline Press – Burns Club. The anniversary of the United Burns’ Club was celebrated on Saturday evening last, in Crombie’s Hotel, Bruce Street – Mr George Henderson in the chair … During the evening Lindsay, of Lassodie Brick and Tile Work, was introduced as a new member, and presented the club with a bust of the poet, for which he received their thanks through the chairman …
15/05/1863 – Dundee Courier – District News – Dunfermline – Police Commissioners. This body met on Wednesday, Robert Robertson, Esq., Dean of Guild in the chair. On the minutes of the last meeting being read, the only thing worthy of record was a communication from Mr Lindsay of the Lassodie Brick and Clay Works. Along with this communication, Mr Lindsay sent a specimen of brick work much more suitable and much more durable than Arbroath pavement. This had been approved of by the Committee and resolved upon trying on a limited scale on the street pavements … (Note – SBH – Could this be the same Lindsay as in Robert Lindsay who operated the Lilliehill Fire Clay Works around this time).
(Note – SBH – I am unaware as to when the Lassodie Brick and Clay Works, Lassodie, Fife aka Fife Fireclay Works finished and the Lassodie Brickworks, Braehead, Fife aka Kelty Brickworks started but they both seem to have been basically situated at the same location).
1944 – 1969 – Map. This is the location of the brickworks but they are not marked.’
19/05/1954 – Fife Herald – Reference in an article to … Ernest Abram, timber merchant, Oakfield Street, Kelty …
08/06/1954 – Dundee Courier – Notice is hereby given that Ernst Abram of 11 Oakfield Street, Kelty, Fife is applying to the Home Secretary for naturalisation and that any person who knows of any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Under Secretary, Home Office (Nationality Division), Princeton House, High Holborn, London.
Feb 1963 – Clay Worker magazine (V 72 849) – Lassodie Brickworks – Ernest Abram (Brickworks) Ltd. is a new company to sponsor the construction of a kiln in Fife, to produce high-quality facings etc from the high-quality clay available. 30,000 per day, floor area 24000 ft2. (Information from Ann Los, East Yorks).
Late 1960’s – 1978 – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’ suggests that the Caledonian Brick Company were the owners. (Note – SBH – This date range does not sit comfortably with the information below)
Below – 24/11/1971 – The Glasgow Herald – Abram found not guilty of embezzlement.

06/11/1973 – Edinburgh Gazette – Change of name – Fife Brick Company Limited (formerly Ernest Abram (Brickworks) Limited.
30/11/1973 – Birmingham Daily Post – Pope and Pearson—After proposed acquisitions from Coltness group of Coltness Brickworks and Ernest Abram (Brickworks), profit for the enlarged group for 17 months ending 31/12/73, of £240,000 including acquisitions for 6 months is forecast. Annualised profits would be £280,000. Final of 1.16666 p net making a total equal to 2.45416 p gross for 17 months forecast, but in a normal financial year and assuming profits of £280,000 dividends of 2.8 p net equal to 4p gross forecast.
1978 – 1980 – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’ suggests that the Scottish Brick Corporation were the owners.
21/02/1980 – Scottish Brick Corporation branded letterhead gives a reference to a former employee who had just been made redundant at the SBC ‘Kelty Brickworks (Lassodie). The works were closed “due to a downturn in orders through the construction industry”.
1995 – Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal Volume One 1995 … The brick and tile industry is also related to the mining of coal. Not only was coal required for the kilns, but bricks could be made from the dumped waste from the mines. Of the brick and tile works shown on the first edition of the OS map (1858), only at Easter Craigduckie Works to the W of Lassodie are there any visible earthworks. Of the others, few remains survive: the original Blairadam Brick and Tile Works, now lying under a forestry plantation; the old Devonshaw Tileworks has been reduced to a quarry pit and a few mounds; and though the drying shed of the Lassodie Brickworks, later the Fife Fireclay Works, is still
standing, it is now being used as a base for four-wheel drive competitions. Here again, we can record the almost complete destruction of the remains of what was once an important industry in Fife. Its demise is of course closely linked to that of the coal industry, but it should be noted that unlike the limestone industry, little trace remains of brick and tile works even where they lie in areas removed from the population … (Note – SBH – This report gives the Fife Fireclay Works co-ordinates as NT 115 931 which is the same location as the much later Lassodie Brickworks).
Below – Possible site of the Lassodie Brickworks.

Below – Letterhead for Earnest Abram (Brickworks Ltd) Braehead, Lassodie, Dunfermline.
Ernest Abram Brickworks Ltd Lassodie
Ernest Abram – Managing Director
Mrs W Abram – Secretary
Edward C Abram