Coats Brickwork, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire
The name Brand crops up twice in “A Survey of Scottish Brickmarks” with the first instance being Robert Brand proprietor/owner of Garturk Brickworks and the other, James, Janet and Robert Brand, also proprietors/owners, of Rochsolloch Brickworks.
25/11/1856 – Edinburgh Gazette – Bathgate, Airdrie and Coatbridge Railway – A Branch Railway diverging out of or from the said Main Line, and commencing at a point at or near Brand’s Brick and Tile Work at Pottery, in the Parish of Old Monkland and County of Lanark, and terminating by a Junction with that part of the Monkland Railways called the Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway, at a point at or near the Dundyvan Basin of the Monkland Canal, in the same Parish and County.
Below – 31/12/1856 – Glasgow Herald – Notice is hereby given that the business carried on at Coats Brickwork, near Coatbridge in the name of Mrs J Brand, was carried on by Robert Brand, brick manufacturer there, the lessee, for his own behoof and that the connection of the subscriber, Mrs Brand, was merely nominal; and notice is farther given that from and after this date, the business will be carried on by the said Robert Brand in his own name and for his sole behoof. 24/11/1856 – Janet Brand. Robert Brand.

1858 – Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1858 – Pottery, clay of coal measures. Name of freeholder – W. Baird & co. Manufacturer – Mrs Brand. Manufacture – stopping clay and bricks. Estimated 2,000 tons annually.
Below – 1858 – Coats Brickwork. (The Works do not appear to be depicted on the 1896 map).

1862 – Robert Brand, Pottery Brickworks, Coatbridge.
1864 – ScottishMining Website – The rise and progress of Coatbridge and surrounding neighbourhood. Andrew Miller, Dundyvan Iron Works, Glasgow 1864 – The abundance of coal and the ready transit for manufactured goods to the west market brought another branch of the industry into existence. With an abundance of excellent fire clay at command, a pottery and tile work, the first in Scotland, was erected on the Coats estate, at a place now called The Pottery, by Mr James Creelman. It was situated on the banks of the canal and gave employment to a considerable number of the inhabitants. The pottery ware produced from these works was of superior quality, and the greater portion of it was exported to America and the West Indies. The Pottery, Brick, and Tile Work, as carried on at present so extensively by Mr Robert Brand, is built near the same site where this famous pottery once stood. The produce of these collieries, and the pottery goods, together with manure from the city for the farmers, formed the principal source of traffic on the canal; and, for many years, the revenue derived was so trifling, compared with the great outlay of capital, that the shareholders almost despaired of its ever proving a profitable investment. (An article dated 12/12/1925 in the Coatbridge Leader quotes the same information as above but also adds – The pottery, brick and tile work, carried on by the late Messrs Brand, was erected on what now forms the site of that progressive establishment, the Lochrin Iron Works, Whiffet …1911 map shows the location of the Lochrin Iron Works).
Below –
1869 – And this could be another reference from Slaters Directory – Brands Old Brickworks, Whifflet, Coatbridge.
1875 – Robert Brand, Coats Brickworks, Coatbridge.
1878 – Robert Brand, brick and tile maker, Coates Brickworks, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire (Composition bricks).
21/05/1879 – Glasgow Herald – Examinations – Robert Brand, Brickmaker, Coatbridge and coal master at Glenduffhill and at Glasgow – to be examined in Sheriff Murray’s chambers, County Buildings, Glasgow, 30th May at eleven o’clock.
Below – 24/02/1880 – Edinburgh Gazette –

22/05/1882 – The Scotsman – Court of Session. Note for William Thomson Duncan (Brand’s trustee) for leave to proceed with action &c. In this action William Thomson Duncan, C. A, Glasgow, the trustee on the sequestrated estates of Robert Brand, some time brickmaker, Coatbridge and coalmaster, Glenduffhill, who had previously been in right of the minerals under that estate, asked the Court for authority to proceed with an action against the Glenduffhill Coal Company, to constitute his claim, as such trustee, on a fund in medio, amounting to £1446 8s 5d now in the hands of the Royal Bank of Scotland and forming the subject of a multiplepoinding. In answer to the note, James Goldie, official liquidator of the company opposed the application. Their lordships today granted the powers asked.
Below – 01/08/1890 – The Edinburgh Gazette. Meeting of creditors regards the sequestrated Estate of Robert Brand, Brickmaker, Coatbridge.

07/08/1897 – Glasgow Herald – Deaths. Brand. At Coatbank, Whifflet on the 6th inst, Robert Brand, brick manufacturer. Funeral on Monday 9th at 2 o’clock, to Mount Zion Churchyard. All friends are invited. The only invitation.