Grangemouth Firebrick Works, Skinflats, Grangemouth, Falkirk.
Grangemouth Coal Co was founded in 1839 with main premises at Grangemouth Colliery. The company extracted fireclay, ironstone and coal from mines in Bothkennar, Falkirk and Polmont, leased from the Earl of Zetland. By the mid-19th century, the company was also operating Grangemouth Brickworks, making fireclay bricks and ornamental terracotta pottery and exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851.
13/06/1850 – Perthshire Advertiser – Thomas Thomson, China-Merchant, 48, Canal Street, respectfully intimates, that he has received a consignment of fire brick and fire clay, ornamental chimney cans, flower vases of the newest designs, and glazed water pipes of different diameters, from the Grangemouth Potteries, the material of which Professor Penny of Glasgow asserts of the very finest quality as regards chemical composition and which he is instructed to sell, for ready money, at prices considerably below what has hitherto been charged. Orders from the country punctually attended to. Perth, 13th June 1850
Below – 24/07/1850 – Aberdeen Press and Journal –

10/08/ 1850– Bucks Herald – Highland and Agricultural Show Glasgow – Conspicuous this year are the productions of the Heathfield and Grangemouth Brickworks, the latter of which, besides some fancy articles has sent a collection of glazed tile pipes of all shapes and sizes.
24/10/1851 – Kincardinshire Advertiser – Great Exhibition Crystal Palace, London – Honourable mentions – Grangemouth Coal Company – terra cotta.
1852 – Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland – Collection of articles in fire and common clay by the Grangemouth Coal Company, embracing fountains, vases, pedestals etc and displaying great artistic taste.
1852 – Grangemouth Brick and Tile Makers. Fire bricks, tiles and salt-glazed ware. Grangemouth Coal Company. George G Mackay, acting manager.
Below – 09/11/1855 – Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin Review – John MacPherson, Montrose, agent for Grangemouth Fireclay Works.

16/05/1856 – Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin Review – John MacPherson, Montrose, agent or the celebrated Grangemouth Fireclay flower vases, begs to intimate that he has just got to hand specimen sheets, containing a number of beautiful new designs of vases and pedestals. Parties wishing to beautify their gardens or pleasure grounds will find these vases everything which could be wished, for elegance, durability, and cheapness. Specimen sheets will be sent free to any party application …
Below – 1861 – Grangemouth Fire Brick Works.

1867 – Grangemouth Fire Brick and Tile Works. GG Mackay, Manager. (Note – SBH – George MacKay was the manager from c. 1852 to c. 1880).
1878 – Grangemouth Coal Co – Coal Masters and Fire brick makers – George G Mackay was managing partner.
Below – 1878 – Advert Grangemouth Coal Company.

1882 – Brick and Fire Clay Makers. Grangemouth Fire Brick Works, (fire bricks, composition bricks, vases, chimney cans, grate backs, Kinnaird’s vent linings, &c., of finest quality, at moderate prices), Grangemouth Coal Co. George G. Mackay, managing partner.
1886 – 1887 -Grangemouth Fire Brick & Tile Works, Grangemouth; George Mackay, managing partner.
1893 – 94 – Grangemouth Coal Co (and brick and fire-clay makers) S. Basin St.
Below – 1896 – Grangemouth Fire Brick Works.

21/01/1899 – Falkirk Herald – … The brickwork in connection with Grangemouth Colliery has been well employed. The company who carry on these works (Grangemouth Coal Company) are, hopeful of getting a railway connection from the proposed new Caledonian line to enable them to forward their goods other than by water …
1901 – Directory of clay workers – Grangemouth Coal Company Limited, Grangemouth. Fire and composition bricks, grate backs etc. T. add Coalco.
05/12/1911 – The Scotsman – Grangemouth Colliery. Pits to be closed – workmen thrown idle … fireclay has also been worked to some extent and there is besides, a small brickwork employing about a dozen hands. One of the principal articles of manufacture has been fire grate backs. The working of the fireclay will also be given up and the brickworks will be closed …
10/06/1912 – The Scotsman – Important sale of colliery and electric plant and machinery, brickworks plant etc at Grangemouth Collieries, Grangemouth on Thursday 20th June 1912 at 10.30 am. Shirlaw, Allan & Co have received instruction from Messrs The Grangemouth Coal Co Ltd owing to the termination of the lease to sell by auction the whole plant and will dispose of the first portion as above. Hamilton – June 1912.
1913 – The fire brick works are not shown on the map. Marked as disused.