Wemyss Brick and Tile Works, Wemyss, Fife

(Note – SBH – I find the information on the brickworks at Aberhill, Denbeath, Methil and Wemyss very confusing with regards names and locations that seem to swap and move! If anyone can clarify the situation for me or point out information that is perhaps listed wrongly against a particular brickworks then please get in touch.)


See also Wemyss Brickworks aka Denbeath Brickworks, Denbeath  – click me

The Wemyss Brick Company Ltd. was founded in 1906 and have their registered office at 49, Cowley Street, Denbeath.

In 2001 there was converse about a close-down because of the problem of obtaining suitable material to make bricks, one source of supply transported from the Cults, near Cupar having become discontinued …
The following have served as ‘Works Managers’:—
Mr Robert Dee Marshall.
Mr Robert Simpson. (Until 1949.)
Mr, James Thomson. (from 1949  – 1984.)


1867 –  Wemyss Brick and Tile Works, West Wemyss. Thomas Bywater Agent.

1869  – Joseph Budge, Manager, West Wemyss.
1878 – Wemyss Brickworks, West Wemyss. William Casey Manager.
23/08/1879 – Fifeshire Advertiser – Brickwork – offers wanted for making bricks from the raw material to the saleable article at the new brickwork at Hugo Pit, Wemyss Colliery. Particulars may be learned by applying to Wm Carey, West Wemyss, Fife.
1896 – Wemyss Brickworks – Joseph Budge Manager, West Wemyss, East Wemyss.

Pre 1906  – Bowman and Co ran the brickworks.

1906 – Wemyss Brick Company established.

26/07/1906 – Dundee Evening Telegraph – Wemyss new brickwork – The dismantling last winter of the brickwork to make room for railway sidings for the sinking of a new pit at Denbeath, and also the connection with the dock extension at Methil, necessitated the erection of new works. Rising over the high land behind the huge washer at Denbeath the extensive new building can now be seen from all directions. The new premises are situated on the side of the mineral railway leading from the collieries the Wemyss estate, and also in direct touch with the dock. The electric motor-house is 54 feet long, 15 feet broad, and 18 feet high. The mill breaking and preparing hall, which will contain two machines, is 46 feet broad and 53 feet long. One of the machines has been brought from the old works and is fitted into position. The kiln a model of the Hoffman patent type. It is twelve chambered, each chamber 17 feet long and 9 feet high, the length the egg-shaped building being 115 feet inside. The kiln is heated from the top. It is claimed in this way there is a great saving of coal. Each kiln can be fired separately, but by altering the dampers the hot air can be directed into a chamber of green brick, other flues carrying away the superfluous air. It is estimated that the kiln will keep the machines going. A chimney stalk 120 feet high is being built.

Below –18/03/1910 – Bellshill Speaker – Wemyss Coal Company Ltd use 4 million bricks to line shafts in the new coal mine (Presumably Wemyss bricks were used).


05/08/1913 – Edinburgh Evening News – Mixer for Fawcett’s brick machine wanted. Steady employment. 4s 6d per shift. Apply to the manager, Wemyss Brickworks, Methil.

22/05/1918 – The Scotsman – Brickworks manager, experienced with Fawcett’s machines and Hoffman kiln and able to do own repairs for the duration of the war. Must be ineligible for service. Apply to Wemyss Coal Company, East Wemyss.

1961 – 1962 – Directory of British Clay Products and Manufacturers – Wemyss Development Co Ltd, Wemyss Brickworks, Denbeath, Methil, Fifeshire. Tel Buckhaven 2313. Bricks and agricultural drain tiles.

Below – 02/03/1990 – Perthshire Advertiser – Wemyss Brick Company – Manufacturers at Methil since 1906.

20/04/1990 – Dundee Courier – Timber and Building Supplies, Unit 3, 74-76 East Dock, Dundee … advert … Wemyss common brick £99 per 1000 … Concrete common brick £75 per 1000; Multi-red rustic facing brick £195 per 1000 … (Note – SBH – I am uncertain if the last two types of bricks were manufactured by Wemyss or elsewhere).

2001 – Works closed?

2004 – Works dismantled.

Below – NCB wagons of coal at Wemyss Colliery and Brickworks.


Below – Some advertising giveaways for the Wemyss Brick Company – a spirit level key ring, a block of notepaper and a business card.


wemyss note pad block



Source  – Tilcon coloured mortar, brick and block directory 1989

Clay bricks – wirecuts.

Wemyss Leven multi rustic.

Wemyss Leven multi drag face.

Wemyss MR.

Wemyss MD.


Graces Notes Scotland – An interview with Gary Nurse, a former employee with the Wemyss Brick Company.



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