(Note – SBH – I cannot find a map with these works detailed although Torterston Farm is very close to Downiehill Farm which had a brick and tile works. Mr Boyd of Torterston Brickworks may be the same Mr Boyd who owned the Ednie Brick and Tile Works).
Below – 05/02/1864 – Buchan Advertiser – The works for drainage materials and bricks with the brickfield at Torterston, in the Parish of Peterhead, will be let with an immediate entry for such number of years as may be agreed on. The tenant will get over the machinery and whole plant, either by purchase or on inventory. He will also have use of the cottage close by the works; he may also if he desires it, have the present stock of drainage materials, bricks etc at valuation. Application to be made to Messrs A and W Boyd. Peterhead. 02/11/1863.

14/06/1864 -Banffshire Journal and General Advertiser – Drainage materials and bricks, pan-tiles, and machinery. For sale by roup. The Torterston Tileworks, in the Parish of Peterhead, being now closed, the materials of the kiln, sheds, &c., and the machinery, together with the remaining stock, which includes a kiln of newly burnt materials of different kinds, will be sold, by roup, at the works on Thursday the 30th day of June current, at eleven o’clock forenoon. there are connected with the buildings, which will be taken down by the purchaser, about 30,000 bricks. The roofing, about 185 feet by 20 feet, including the rafters and tiles. Upwards of 20.000 Feet of 3/4 inch serviceable boarding. 6 to 9 inches broad, which has been used for drying shelves. And a water wheel, 11 feet by 3 feet 5 in; and a 7 feet shaft., with connecting Machinery and Gearing, 2 rig mills; a pipe machine; 8 barrows; and a quantity of timber. The stock consists of about 8000 x 2″ drain pipes, 6000 x 2 1/2 “, 1000 x 3″, 800 x 4″, 1500 x 5″, 500 x 6″, and 90 x 8″, 2000 x 3”, soles; 13.000 bricks; 500 pan-tiles; 700 ridge tiles; 40 chimney cans; a lot of fire-bricks. &c. The materials and stock are all of a superior quality, and with the machinery, which is in fair working order, will be exposed in lots to suit intending offerers. Sufficient time will be given for the removal of the purchases. Peterhead, 6th June 1864. (Note – SBH – The same advert in the Peterhead Sentinel 24/06/1864 spells the tileworks as Tortorston).