Found Firth of Forth, Bo’ness
Garnqueen Fireclay Works, Glenboig, Lanarkshire
Alternative brickworks include:
- Gartliston Fireclay Works, Glenboig, Lanarkshire.
Building bricks at Garscadden Works, Drumchapel.

Below – the same stamp on a special brick designed for interlocking with similar bricks. The photos below show the stamp on the edge. Both sides of the brick are shown and depict a ‘diamond’ interlocking design.




Below – the same stamp on a special shape.
This example is not in my possession but picture reproduced by kind permission of Falkirk Museums and Archives.
Refractory brick, base rectangular (with two inset grooves), with moulding on side “HURLL”. Primary production date 1910 – 1980.

Below -A similar stamp on a brick with an angled top.

Below – A similar stamp on a double bull nose version, although the 2 x ‘L’ may be slightly larger than the other letters.
