Midlothian Oil Company, Brickworks, Straiton, Midlothian

Straiton Oil Works.

17/07/1882 – Edinburgh Evening News – Midlothian Oil Company. The first general meeting the shareholders of this company was held in Mr Dowell’s Rooms, George Street, Edinburgh, today. The company, which has been organised for purchasing the estate of Straiton, near Edinburgh, was formally constituted and directors and office-bearers appointed.

30/05/1885 – Glasgow Herald – The Clippens and Midlothian Oil Companies. Contract of sale between the companies. An extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Clippens Oil Company Limited was held in Glasgow yesterday, for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing certain resolutions dealing with the purchase of the Midlothian Company’s property on terms which have already been made public. Mr Wm Mackinnon, the chairman of the company, presided, and there were only two or three shareholders present … (An explanation is also given as to why the Midlothian Oil Company had failed as a business and 3 reasons were given. 1. The expense and failure of the Bielby Retorts. 2. The straitened finances. 3. The difficulties in the management of the works).

1886 – Midlothian Oil Company, brick and fireclay manufacturer, Straiton. John Laing, manager.

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