Dalquharran Brick and Tile Works, Wallacetown, Dailly, South Ayrshire

Dalquharran Brick and Tile Works, Wallacetown, Ayrshire (2 different sites) aka Maxwell Colliery KA19 (Not to be confused with Wallacetown, Ayr KA8).

Dalquharran Brick & Tile Works was adjacent to the Romilly Colliery site at Wallacetown in the Parish of Dailly in Ayrshire. The works are believed to have operated from c1859 to c1915.


1830 – ScotlandPlaces – Dalquharran Tile Works – Erected about the year 1830 by the Honble [Honourable] T.F Kennedy of [Dalquharran] but has since been rebuilt and enlarged in 1848. Bricks & Pipe [Tiles] of various kinds & sizes are [manufactured] here to a large extent. The clay from which they are made is [denominated] fire clay, and is composed of sand & mud; it goes through a process of grinding between two heavy [cylinders] before being fit for use, it is then carried [to a large ] table & mixed with water to make it soft, for the [purpose] of forming the Brick & Tiles. These are then arranged on shelves to dry after which they are carried to the Kiln and [burned] until fit for sale. The engine is 15 horsepower. There is a sawmill for wood, attached. the engine of which is 10 horsepower. Dalquharran Tile Work & Saw Mill are held by the Honble [Honourable] [T.F. /F. T.] [Kennedy] of Dalquharran

02/05/1844 – Ayr Advertiser – Dalquharran Brick and Tile Work – Reduced Price – Machine made common drain tiles of first-rate quality, 1 foot 3 inches long, fully 3 inches wide and nearly 3 3/8 inches high for sale at the above work at 21s per 1,000. Also large drain tiles, flooring tiles, ridge tiles, smoke tiles and common and fire bricks at moderate prices. 29/04/1844.

JuneSept 1884 – Invoice – Dalquharran Tilework, Maybole. This details a wide range of products, bricks, tiles, wall copes, chimney cans, ventilator bricks, pig and horse troughs.

Below – 1856 – Dalquharran Tileworks. They are not shown on the 1896 map.


15/08/1863 – Ayrshire Express – Pipe Tiles etc  – Reduction of prices at Dalquharran Brick and Tile Works. A considerable reduction has just been made on the price of pipe tiles for drains, flooring tiles, bricks etc at the above works. New Prices will be learned on application. Dalquharran Colliery. 01/08/1863

10/08/1867 – Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald – Mr John Smith of the Eglinton Fireclay Works, here, being about to remove from this to become manager of the Dalquarran Fireclay Works, Dailly, belonging to the Right Honourable T. F Kennedy, Dunure, a number of his friends and brother-workmen met him on Saturday last in the Commercial Inn, and entertained him to supper. Mr John Craig, forgeman, ably performed the duties of the chair, and Mr John Wilson, blacksmith, worthily acted as croupier. Supper was served up in a most sumptuous manner by Mr Kennedy, and the arrangements were such as to reflect the highest credit on that gentleman. The night was spent in a warm and friendly manner, interspersed with songs and speeches, the speakers feelingly alluding to their regret at losing a worthy and valuable companion: at the same time expressing joy at his advancement in business. Mr Smith is well-known here as a steady, straightforward gentleman. He has been long connected with the temperance movement and was an energetic member of the Total Abstinence Committee. He leaves, therefore, with the best wishes of many friends.

02/04/1879 – The Scotsman – At Dalquharran Castle, Ayrshire a notable Scotchman was yesterday gathered to his rest – The Right Hon. Thomas Francis Kennedy … Mr Kennedy showed himself alive to the advantages of tile draining and it may, for aught me know, have been in connection with this that he started a tile and brickwork, which has since been profitably carried on under his personal supervision …

Below – 1894 – Dalquharran Tileworks. They have been moved from the location on the 1856 map and are now situated adjacent to the Romilly Colliery.


Below – 2016 – Aerial view of the Dalquharran Tileworks (red cross)


1893 – Dalquharran Mine. Owner – Hon F.T.R Kennedy, Dalquharran, Maybole. Coal and fire clay. John Ross Manager.

1903 – Kennedy John Campbell, coal proprietor, & brick & tile works, Dalquharran pit.

Below – 1908 – Dalquharran Brick and Tile Works.


Below – Date unknown but possibly c. 1910 – Advert for the Dalquharran Fire Clay Works. (Many thanks to Ian Jones, Ayrshire for this advert)

Below – Date unknown but possibly c. 1910 – Employees of the Dalquharran Fire Clay Works. (Many thanks to Ian Jones, Ayrshire for this photo).


Below – Date unknown but possibly c. 1910 – Dalquharran Brick and Tile Works. (Many thanks to Ian Jones, Ayrshire for this photo).

Below – 2016 – Aerial view of the Dalquharran Brick and Tile Works (red cross).



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