Pinkie Brickworks, Levenhall, Musselburgh
15/11/1804 – Caledonian Mercury – (Pinkie Brickworks?) To be Let, by public roup, at Musselburgh, within the Town Hall there, upon Tuesday the 20th, between the hours of 11 forenoon and 1 afternoon. A seven-year lease of the quarry park and clay therein, as presently possessed by Robert Balfour, Esq, and belonging to the town of Musselburgh. The park measures five acres, 1 rood, and 27 falls, or thereby, and is bounded on the east by the quarry ground belonging to the town; on the south, by Andrew Elly’s Fen, called Beggars Bush; on the west, by the road looking from Pinkie Mains to Musselburgh; and on the north, by Kings high way. It is all properly laid down in grass, and the clay therein is of the best quality for making brick, tyles, and other articles of Pottery. Entry from the day of roup. A copy of the articles of roup, and a draft of the lease there referred to, are to be seen by applying to the Thomas Thomson, Town Clerk of Musselburgh, or to Messrs Guthrie and Wright, Argyle Square, Edinburgh.
27/05/1851 – Edinburgh Gazette – Edinburgh, 23/05/1851. The Copartnery carried on by the Subscribers, under the firm of Fergus & Ochterlonie, Brick and Tile Manufacturers, Levenhall, Musselburgh, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Subscriber, Mr Fergus, who continues the business on his own account, is authorised to receive and discharge all debts due to the Company. Henry Fergus and William Ochterlonie.
31/05/1851 – Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette – Fergus & Ochterlonie of Levenhall, Musselburgh, brick and tile manufacturers, 23rd May. Debts by Fergus. (Note: Believed to be the Pinkie Brickworks – for research) (Note: Could be Fergus & Auchterlonie)
08/08/1851 – John O’Groat Journal – Scotch Bankrupts – Henry Fergus, brick, tile and earthenware manufacturer residing at Levenhall, Musselburgh.
1852 – Henry Fergus, brick tile and earthenware manufacturer, Levenhall, Musselburgh.
Below – 1853 – (Note: This was the first location for the Pinkie Brickworks. As they chased the fireclay deposits they moved to the location as per the 1893 map below – thanks to Ian Suddaby for clearing up the reason for the two different works)

Below – 31/08/1853 – The Scotsman – Trial concerning the sequestrated estate of Henry Fergus brick and tile maker, Levenhall and the claims of Thomas and Robert Farrie, brick and tile maker, Levenhall (Pinkie?)

1854 – 1855 – Thomas and Robert Farrie, brick and tile manufacturer, Levenhall, Musselburgh.
1855 – 1856 – Thomas and Robert Farrie, brick and tile manufacturer, Levenhall, Musselburgh.
1856 – The Scotsman dated 16/09/1874 – About the year 1856 a row of skeletons, each divided by stone slabs was discovered while the clay was being turned up at Pinkie Brickworks and we believe that several years ago more of the same were brought to light in Smeaton Wood. (The skeletons were thought to originate from the Battle of Pinkie in 1547).
1857 – Thos and Robert Farie (Farrie), brick and tile works, Levenhall, Musselburgh. (Pinkie?)
30/01/1861 – The Scotsman – Wanted – a person qualified to manage a brick and tile works. Apply to Mr Grieve, Pinkie Pans, Musselburgh.
Below – 14/06/1861 – The Scotsman – New brick and tile work (This is likely to be when they moved sites as per the 1853 and 1893 maps).

13/05/1863 – The Scotsman. To tile makers. Wanted – a first-rate roofing tile maker to whom constant employment will be given. Apply to Messrs Grieve & MacKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works, Musselburgh.
1864 – 1865 – Grieve and McKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works.
John Grieve, salt manufacturer, Pinkie Pans, and tacksman of Pinkie Quarry.
1865 – 1866 – Grieve and McKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works.
John Grieve, salt manufacturer, Pinkie Pans, and tacksman of Pinkie Quarry.
1867 – Grieve and McKinlay, Pinkie Brickworks, Levenhall, Nr Musselburgh.
1867 – 1868 – Grieve and McKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works.
John Grieve, salt manufacturer, Pinkie Pans, and lessee of Pinkie Quarry.
1868 – 1869 – Grieve and McKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works.
John Grieve, salt manufacturer, Pinkie Pans, and tacksman of Pinkie Quarry.
1869 – 1870 – Grieve and McKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works.
John Grieve, salt manufacturer, Pinkie Pans, and tacksman of Pinkie Quarry.
26/03/1870 – The Scotsman – Bricks (100,000 partitions) for sale at Pinkie Tilework, Musselburgh. 20s per 100. Grieve and MacKinlay. (Note:- this appears to be a very dear price. I suspect it should read 20s per 1000).
1870 – 1871 – Grieve and McKinlay, Pinkie Brick and tile works, Musselburgh.
31/01/1872 – The Scotsman – Burner and roofing tile maker wanted. Apply to Grieve and MacKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works, Musselburgh.
24/05/1872– The Scotsman – Brickmakers – wanted immediately, a first-class brickmaker. Apply to Grieve & MacKinlay, Pinkie Brickworks, Musselburgh.
1875 – 1876 – Grieve & McKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works.
John Grieve, salt manufacturer. Pinkie salt work.
1878 – Grieve & McKinlay, Pinkie Brickworks, Levenhall.
20/07/1881 – The Scotsman – Tile makers – wanted – a good roofing tile maker immediately. Apply Pinkie Brick and Tile Works, Musselburgh.
1886 – John Mackinlay, Pinkie Brickworks, Levenhall, Musselburgh.
06/04/1889 – Dundee Advertiser – Roofing tile maker wanted. Apply John MacKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works, Musselburgh
1889 – 1890 – John MacKinlay, Pinkie Brick and Tile Works, Musselburgh.
26/04/1890 – The Scotsman – Brickmaker wanted. Apply Pinkie Brick and Tile Works, Musselburgh.
Below – 1893 – Pinkie Brickworks.

Below – 1888 – 1913 – Same map as above but showing wider detail.

23/09/1899 – Edinburgh Evening News – Burner for Newcastle Kilns wanted Apply William Dickson and Sons, Pinkie Brickworks, Musselburgh.
21/07/1900 – Edinburgh Evening News – Lads wanted for brickworks – Apply William Dickson and Sons, Pinkie Brickworks, Musselburgh.
1901 – Directory of Clayworkers – William Dickson & Sons, Pinkie Quarry and Brickworks, Musselburgh, N.B., Red facing and common bricks.
07/08/1901 – The Scotsman – To let – Pinkie Quarry and Clayfield with brickwork attached, situated at Levenhall, Musselburgh. Apply to Messrs Landale, Frew and Gemmell, St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.
08/10/1901 – The Scotsman – For sale – At Pinkie Quarry, Levenhall – On Thursday 10th October at 11 o’clock, brick making machinery and plant, engine, boiler, crane and quarry tools bricks etc belonging to Wm Dickson and Sons Estate.
Below – 1909 – Pinkie Brickworks.

Below – 1938 – Pinkie Brickworks.