Monreith Tileworks, Monreith, Wigtownshire.
My thanks go to Jock McMaster, Monreith for donating samples of the works and for letting me mooch about looking for drainage tiles and taking photographs.
The Monreith Tile and Brickworks produced tiles and bricks for the domestic and agricultural market.
Monreith Tileworks produced bricks from a local clay pit; the tile works closed in the early 1920s.
Museum article (3 pages)
1845 – 1849 – ScotlandsPlaces – Monreith Brick and Tile Works.
Below – 1848 – 1849 – Monreith Brick and Tile Works. This name applies to a brick and tile works on the farm of Blairbuy. It consists of a long shade where tile is dried, a kiln and a small portion of land where the clay is got and manufactured into bricks and tiles.

Below – 1894 – Monreith Brick and Tile Works.

08/08/1896 – The Scotsman – Wigtownshire, Monreith Estate -To let, for such period as may be agreed upon, with entry at Martinmas 1896, (first) The desirable farm of South Barsalloch, in the Parish of Mochrum, about 2 1/2 miles from Port William and 6 1/2 miles from Whanphill Station. The lands extend to about 182 acres imperial, of which about 155 acres are arable. (second) Monreith Tile and Brickworks, with the clay pits, kiln, shed, dwelling house to let therewith, adjoining the above farm, and situated in the Parishes of Mochrum and Classerton. The farm and tileworks will be let together or separately as may be arranged. The present tenant will not be an offerer for either. Mr H. H. Walker, Monreith Estate Office, Whauphill, will, on receiving a day’s notice, arrange for showing the subjects and exhibit a plan and conditions of let. Further particulars may be obtained from him, or from Messrs J. & F. Anderson, W.S., 48 Castle Street, Edinburgh, with either of whom offers must be lodged not later than Friday, 4th September. The proprietor does not bind himself to accept the highest or any offer. Edinburgh, August 1896.
Below – 1906 – Monreith Brick and Tile Works.

Below – a range of Monreith drainage tiles found on site.
Below – 3″ wide, 3 1/2″ high, unknown length as broken.


Below – 4″ wide, 3 1/2″ high, 12 1/2″ long


Below – A close up of unusual flat bottomed, vertical sided with a possible rounded top, drainage tile.
4″ wide, 2 1/2″ high to top shoulder of vertical sides and unknown length.


Below – Monreith tiles were used to create air vents in the byre walls at Blairbuy Farm on which ground Monreith tile works used to stand. 2 horseshoe drainage tiles per aperture.
