The following examples of early iron straining posts were noted as forming part of the enclosure fences. Francis Morton & Co Patent strained fences Liverpool.
Graces Guide
Francis Morton & Co of Naylor Street Ironworks, Liverpool, and Hamilton Works, Garston, Liverpool.
1857 – Company established.
1859 – Advertising Francis Morton’s Patent Strained Fences. Address: 27 James Street.
1860s – Provided corrugated iron roofing for a cotton ginning factory in Zifta, on the Nile in Egypt.
1888 ‘The great movement of important industrial works to the seaside is witnessed at Liverpool. Messrs Francis Morton and Co. have resolved on a change from that city to Garston. There the extensive Hamilton iron-works have both railway communication, a special siding, and dock accommodation.’ This was the site previously occupied by Hamilton’s Windsor Ironworks Co.
1890 – The O.S. map shows an ‘Iron Foundry (Disused)’ at the eastern end of Naylor Street, bounded on the east by Marybone and to the south by Freemasons’ Street.
1891 – For description of works see 1891 The Practical Engineer.
1898 – Incorporated as a Limited Company.
1901 – Advertising fencing, railings, sheds, roofs, galvanized sheets, general castings. Output 30,000 tons p.a.
1914 – Constructional Engineers. Manufacturers of bridges and girders, roofing, steel-framed buildings, steel telegraph poles, fencing, gates and ornamental iron work. Employees 600 to 700.
c1920 – Francis Morton, Junr and Co? of 22/23 Laurence Pountney Lane, London, E.C.4.
1937 – Constructional engineers.
Below – 1861 – 1862 – Catalogue.
Below – And this second example found at the same location. AK The Iron Wire Fence Co Patent London SW Warrington.
Below – A 3rd example at Bonshaw – William Bain & Co, Coatbridge.
Company history

