Strathord Tileworks, Stanley, Perthshire aka Marlehall Tilework.
04/01/1849 – Perthshire advertiser – The tide of thorough-draining is beginning set in, in right earnest this quarter. The tileworks Strathord are in full working condition; houses for the work-people are contracted for, and farmers are making arrangements for spring operations. Altogether, there is a bestirring for agricultural improvement, which is no longer a matter of choice, but of actual and urgent necessity. 01/01/1849.
28/06/1849 – Inverness Courier – Application for Cessio bonorum (Scottish law – a legal process whereby a debtor may escape imprisonment if he surrenders all his means and is innocent of fraud) Walter Tweedie, brick and tile maker, Marlehall residing at Bridge of Earn, present prisoner in the County Prison, Perth.
21/07/1849 – Glasgow Gazette – Scotch bankrupts. Examination. Walter Tweedie, brick and tile maker at Marlehill, present prisoner in the County Prison of Perth, in the Sheriff Office, Perth at one.
Below – 04/09/1851 – Perthshire Advertiser – Marlehall Tilework on the Strathord Estate for sale plus a large quantity of drain pipes and collars.

1859 – 1862 – ScotlandsPlaces – Strathord Tileworks. A cluster of buildings, partly stone and partly wood, erected and used for the manufaction of brick and tile, the property of His Grace the Duke of Athole
Below – 1864 – Strathord Tileworks. They are marked as disused by 1896.

1896 – William Watson, brick and tile maker, Marie (Marle) Hall, Redgorton, Stanley, Perthshire.
06/01/1896 – Death – At Strathord Tilework, Stanley on the 3rd inst, William Watson aged 79. Funeral on Wednesday 8th inst at 2 pm to Redgorton Churchyard. All friends invited.
23/01/1934 – Eggs.—W. Wyandottes, R.I. Reds, large egg strains, 6s per dozen. Apply Mrs Kilgour, Tileworks, Strathord. (Note – SBH – As the tileworks are marked as disused on the 1896 map, the reference to Tileworks, Strathord here may only be as a postal address to premises situated on the old site).