Swinton Tileworks, Swinton, Berwickshire

17/07/1846 – Kelso Chronicle – Swinton – On Wednesday last part of the steading upon the Glebe of Swinton was burnt … But by the timely and prompt assistance of the villagers and persons employed at the tilework, the fire was soon got under, so that only part of the house was burnt down …

04/10/1850 – Swinton Tileworks – Kelso Chronicle – The subscriber begs most respectively to intimate to his customers and public at large that he has on hand at present a large stock of drain pipes and drain tiles of the best quality at greatly reduced prices. For further information apply to W. Anderson who will attend at Dunse, Kelso and Jedburgh on Market days or at the works. W Anderson. Swinton Tileworks by Coldstream. 04/10/1850

18/10/1850 – Swinton Tileworks – Kelso Chronicle – The subscriber begs most respectively to intimate to his customers and public at large that he has on hand at present a large stock of drain pipes and drain tiles of the best quality at greatly reduced prices. For further information apply E. Richardson who will attend at Dunse, Kelso and Jedburgh on market days or at the works. E. Richardson, Swinton Tileworks by Coldstream. 04/10/1850

Below – 25/8/1852 – Kelso Chronicle – Swinton Tileworks for sale. Apply W Anderson.

Below – 29/04/1853 – Swinton Tileworks, auction – To be sold by Public roup at Swinton Tileworks. On Thursday, the 5th day of May 1853, A large quantity of wood and slates, &c. About 50,000 feet of deals, 16 in. by 3/4. all foreign; about 5000 feet of beams and principals none of them large sizes; about 40,000 feet of coupling; 60,000 feet of laths; a large quantity of slates, 14 by 8; a quantity of barrows, of different kinds; 3 joiners benches; 120 feet of driving belts; 1 set of block and tackling, very strong; a quantity of bricks; an excellent set of pumps, to work with steam-power, fitting for a coal pit; a quantity of implements; the whole being put up in lots to suit purchasers.  The above being all good, it will be well worth the attention of farmers, joiners, and others.  The roup is to commence at 11 o’clock forenoon. Ready Money. Archibald Jameson, Auctioneer.  Swinton Tileworks, 6th April 1853


Below – 1858 – Possible site of Swinton Tileworks – old clay pits are referenced and Swinton and Newton Quarries (Sandstone).

Below – 1858 – Swinton Clay Pits.

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