Scottish bricks found in Canterbury, New Zealand

The following Scottish bricks were found in the Canterbury area of New Zealand during various archaeological excavations.



Glenboig T16

and possibly a Douglas D although it is currently categorised thus – The Douglas Brick Kiln located in Stratford/Taranaki is classified with the Historic Places Trust. It closed in 1981 after 60 years of production turning local clay firstly into bricks and then later into tiles. Its once proud, 33m (100ft) high chimney over the kiln was demolished in 1985 for safety reasons. At its peak, it produced 300 000 feet of tiles in one year. It was founded in 1920 and closed 60 years later, at that time one of the few brickworks left in New Zealand.


Gartcosh Canterbury New Zealand


Glenboig Canterbury New Zealand


Glenboig T16 Canterbury New Zealand

Below – The Canterbury Douglas D and an example of an Ayrshire Douglas D  – possibly one of the same!

Douglas D Canterbury New Zealand


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